Better Behaviors

Research on the value of financial advice

Kiwis who seek out and receive professional financial advice exhibit good financial behaviours more often than unadvised Kiwis. According to a 2021 report by Financial Advice New Zealand, Better Behaviours – research on the value of financial advice, regardless of income level, advised Kiwis are more prepared for retirement, feel better about their financial position and are more comfortable making big financial decisions.

Building on the research report from 2020, Trust in Advice, which clearly showed that financial advice and advisers are trusted and highly valued, the Better Behaviours report measures the extent of positive financial behaviours demonstrated by advised Kiwis compared to those who are unadvised.

Click here for the full report: Better Behaviors

Future proofing the listed property sector

New Zealand listed property stocks look cheap. The sector has had a rough ride,
underperforming the benchmark NZX50 index over 2016, 2017 and so far in 2018.

The net asset backing per share relative to the sector’s market value is at its highest
since 2011, which is a good sign. According to recent First NZ Capital Securities
research, for each $1.00 you spend on the overall sector you get $1.03 of property

Read more in this update from John Berry, co-founder and chief executive of Pathfinder Asset Management.

Infrastructure investing: what, why and how

According to Blackrock the world needs to build US$57 trillion of new infrastructure by 2030 – a huge amount that governments cannot finance alone. Combine infrastructure demand, financing needs and relatively stable long term returns, and it is easy to understand why interest in infrastructure investment continues to grow. In this commentary John Berry looks at the “what” “why” and “how” of infrastructure. This includes thinking about where infrastructure fits in a portfolio and how NZ investors can access these investments.
Continue reading Infrastructure investing: what, why and how