Ongoing Portfolio Management Service
As most investments are made with a medium- to long-term investment horizon, achieving your financial goals and objectives will require ongoing performance from your Investment Portfolio. To assist clients with the continuous management of their Portfolio, we provide an Ongoing Portfolio Management Service.
This Service benefits almost all clients, as effective management of your Portfolio involves a considerable amount of time, access to high-level technical resources and expertise and also a commitment to managing your Portfolio of Investments on a day-to-day basis.
Our Ongoing Portfolio Management Service utilises an external custodial wrap account, which is provided by Apex Group NZ. Information on how Apex Group NZ operates, including its main features and benefits, can be found in a separate “Investing Made Easy” document and at the website of MMC (the parent company of Aegis).
How We Provide Advice
Our advice process follows the internationally recognised six-step process:
- Establishing the client–adviser relationship and agreeing exactly what type of service you want.
- Gathering client data and determining your goals and expectations.
- Analysing and evaluating the client’s financial position, retirement or cash-flow requirements and investment needs.
- Developing and presenting our written advice.
- Overseeing the implementation of the plan.
- Monitoring and reviewing the plan.
This can require a series of meetings with a prospective client before our advice is finalised. It also means we maintain a close ongoing relationship with clients, regularly reviewing progress and working with them over time to ensure their goals can be met.